Monday, April 25, 2011


A tear trickled down
A dream was smashed
Was that your voice?
Or did I just
Scream out in pain?
Called out in vain, yet again
Didn't someone else hear me?
Would anyone be bothered?
Does nobody care anymore?
Or is your voice too smothered?
Silence prevails
I hear no answers.
All I hear are echoes
Of all the innocence lost
I can see it shatter
My bright, protected past.
Left alone
No hearth nor home
Aimlessly I roam
Robbed even of hope
This wasn't my dream
It isn't what I bargained for.
Wasn't this a journey
We had both embarked upon?
Then why is it just me
Bruised, battered and marred.
There you stand ahead of me
Safe and secure on that shore
While here I'm still floundering
And still you ask for more.


Paulami said...

telling you again..please sell it to the rapper. Will pay you huge. and Geez, for once take it as a compliment.

$unshine of the Moon said...

find me a rapper and i'll sell it.....and I do take it as a compliment.....always!!!

Neeraja said...

I agree vh polo. Did sound like a wateveritizcalledthatarapperdoes. Do sell it to a rapper. :) Good one. :D

$unshine of the Moon said...

A rapper raps......nd thanku :P

Anonymous said...

Nice rhythm to your poetry, like song lyrics.

PhilO♥ said...

Very moving :)
Great work!

Anonymous said...

nice emotion in this piece.And beautiful blog.Nicely done

my thursday post was here

Bing Yap said...

i love the rhythmic flow here... i is really hard to move on... much harder when you see the other one moving smoothly ahead of you. brilliant poem!

thanks for visiting my blog. :)

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

breath taking...

thanks for sharing..

$unshine of the Moon said...

Thank you all for the understanding and the encouraging comments :)

tumblingwords said...

A rhyming scheme and strong emotions overflowing. Keep writing, the improvement is showing.

There, that rhymes! ;)

Unknown said...

Linkin Park
there i found u a rapper...

$unshine of the Moon said...
